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Acceptable Use Policy

In conjunction with our Terms of Service, this Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) outlines activities that are prohibited or restricted in relation to everyone’s use of Argense’s products and/or services. If you feel that someone has violated the AUP, please contact us at or at 1-833-227-3580.

If you engage in activities that violate the AUP, including activities outside of your use of our services, Argense may, at any time, and without notice, take actions as we deem appropriate such as:

1. Blocking the settlement or completion of one or more payments;

2. Suspending, restricting or terminating your access to and use of the Payment Services;

3. Terminating our business relationship with you, including termination without liability to Argense of any agreement between you and Argense;

4. Taking legal action against you;

5. Contacting and disclosing information related to such violations to (i) persons who have purchased goods or services from you, (ii) any banks or Card Networks/Associations involved with your business or transactions, (iii) law enforcement or regulatory agencies, and (iv) other third parties that may have been impacted by such violations; or

6. Assessing against you any fees, penalties, assessments or expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) that we may incur as a result of such violations, which you agree to pay promptly upon notice.

Argense has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor or investigate any Account and its use of the Payment Services for compliance with the AUP, Terms of Service or to mitigate risk to Argense, Acquirers, Card Associations and any third parties. It is solely the merchant’s responsibility to ensure that the goods sold and/or services provided are legal and comply with all applicable laws and regulations including Card Association Rules. Argense may, at any time, modify this AUP by posting a new version of it on our website. By accessing your Account or using the Payment Services, you agree to all amendments reflected therein and agree to comply with the revised AUP. In the event of a conflict between the AUP and the Terms of Service, the AUP will take precedence, but only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict.

Incorporation & Domicile Requirements

In order to be considered for the services, a potential merchant must be incorporated and must also have a registered main office address located within the country in which we are operating and providing the services.

Prohibited Activities

These lists show which industries, products and/or services fall outside of Argense’s Acceptable Use Policy or require additional requirements in order to be considered for review. We consider the legality of the product and/or service offered, and the level of risk associated. The classification is based on applicable laws, Card Association Rules and Argense’s own Risk Policy. No business will be accepted which:

  • Violates any law or government regulation, or promotes or facilitates such by third parties
  • Violates any rule or regulation of Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, UnionPay or any other electronic funds transfer network
  • Causes or threatens reputational damage to us or any Card Network
  • Promotes, funding of or membership in any terrorism individuals, businesses & organizations
  • Results in or creates a significant risk of chargebacks, penalties, damages or other harm or liability
  • Is any merchant or business model for products/services that are solely based on guaranteed "rebate", "refund", or "prize" associated with the same of those products/services
  • Is any merchant or business engaged in illegal activity
  • Is any merchant or business practising and/or promoting racism, hate, violence, abuse, discrimination, intolerance or other immoral activity
  • Is any merchant or business engaged in unfair or deceptive business practices
  • Is any merchant or business accepting a card as payment for a dishonored check or for an item deemed uncollectible by another merchant or business
  • Is any merchant or business who is in bankruptcy or insolvent status
  • Is any service providing peripheral support of illegal activities
  • Engages in the sale, transfer, shipping, brokering, etc. of human body parts & organs
  • Involves any of the business categories listed under Prohibited Businesses & Merchant Types

Prohibited Businesses

No exceptions are made for any activity or business type which falls under our Prohibited classification.

  • Adult Entertainment, Content, Toys & Novelty Stores: Must include 18 U.S.C. 2257 Compliance Statement, Age restriction measures, 6 months prior processing history
  • Alcohol Sales – Online
  • Bail Bondsmen
  • Bankruptcy Lawyers and/or Firms
  • Bestiality, Rape, Incest, Necrophilia, Sexual Violence, Non-Consensual
  • Binary Options/CFD
  • Cash Advances/Gifting
  • Catalog Business & Sales (Print)
  • Chain Letters
  • Child Pornography, Child Abuse Imagery: Includes use of terms such as Lolita, Pedo, Pre-Teen, etc.
  • Collection agencies engaged in the collection of uncollectible debt as defined by the Associations
  • Concierge Services
  • Counterfeit or Embargoed Goods & Stolen Property
  • Credit Card Protection & Identity Theft Protection Services
  • Credit Repair
  • Cross-Selling or Up-Selling Products of Other Merchants
  • Crypto Currency – ICO: ICO (Initial Coin Offering)
  • Cyberlocker Services: Includes File Sharing & Online Cloud Storage
  • Debt Elimination, Consolidation, Resolution, Reduction, or Consulting Services
  • Deceptive E-Commerce: Misleading Trial Periods/Negative Options, Deceptive Refund & Cancellation Policies
  • Delayed Delivery Business/Merchants: The good or service provided is not shipped, delivered, or fulfilled when transaction is processed but at a future date
  • Discount Travel, Buying Clubs & Memberships
  • Embassies, Foreign Consulates or other Foreign Government
  • Escort, Dating or Matchmaking Services, Sexual Encounters & Mail-Order Brides
  • Essay Mills, Paper Mills
  • Extended Warranties: Longer than 1 year
  • Fake Credentials, Fake Academic Papers, Fake Government Issued Identification, etc.
  • Financial Transactions such as Wire Transfers, Cash Movement or Transmitter, Money Orders, Quasi-Cash
  • Firearms, Ammunition or Weapons: Includes 3D printers specifically designed to create firearms, weapons and firearm parts
  • Forex - Online
  • Fortune tellers, Astrologers, Psychics, Spiritual Readers, Voodoo, Healing Potions, Tarot Readings
  • Freight Forwarding
  • Get Rich Quick or Work From Home Schemes: Inclusive of Brokers & Dealers
  • Goods or Materials that infringe intellectual property rights
  • Government Loans, Grants & Services
  • Hazardous and/or Restricted Materials
  • Human Trafficking
  • Illegal, Banned Substances & designed to mimic illegal drug Substances & Products: Includes K2, Spice, Bath Salts, Synthetic Cannabis, Nitrate Inhalers, etc.
  • Illegal Drugs & Illegal Drug Paraphernalia
  • Internet Gambling, Casinos, Poker, Sports Forecasting, Odds Making, Betting, Lottery Tickets
  • Investment Services, Programs or Opportunities
  • Lifetime Membership or Guarantees
  • Loan Originators, Payday & Automobile Title Lenders: Interac Only Accepted
  • Lotteries & Raffle Services
  • MLM Distribution
  • Money Service Business: Check Cashers, Travelers Checks, Currency Dealer & Exchanger, Money Remittance
  • Mortgage Interest Rate, Payment Reduction Services, Foreclosure Protection & Guarantees
  • Outbound Telemarketing
  • Online Pharmacy
  • Online Sale of Products without a Dedicated Website
  • Payment Aggregators, Factoring
  • Penny Auctions & Online Auctions
  • Pyramid and/or Ponzi Schemes
  • Ransom or Extortion like Business: Mug Shot Removal, Removal of Pornographic Images, etc.
  • Replica
  • Sale of Real Property & Real Estate Flipping
  • Shell Banks, Offshore Banking
  • Social Media Sales (Sale of likes, clicks, reviews, etc.)
  • Timeshares
  • Tobacco Sales – Online: Includes E-Cigarette refill kits & juices

Restricted Businesses

Activities or business types which fall under our Restricted classification, require written approval from Argense Compliance and are subject to additional requirements such as but not limited to: operating license, KYC & AML Policies, latest business and/or personal financial statements, detailed description of how the merchant conducts business relative to deliveries, deposits, sales procedures and return policy, copies of marketing materials, printed sales material, print ads and electronic media, personal guarantee of signatory or signatories with greater than 10% ownership, copy of business license, additional business references, 6 most recent processing statements, 6 most recent bank account statements, 2 years tax returns or audited financials.

  • Adult Entertainment, Content, Toys & Novelty Stores: Must include 18 U.S.C. 2257 Compliance Statement, Age restriction measures, 6 months prior processing history
  • Auto Dealerships – New & Used: When accepting loan payments. Loan payments on a Visa branded Credit Card are Prohibited
  • Airlines
  • CBD & Marijuana related Products: Sold only where permitted by law, THC level must be equal or lower to the level permitted by law in merchants’ region, Age restriction measures, 6 months prior processing history
  • Collection Agencies: Interac Only Accepted
  • Consumer Credit Reporting Agency
  • Cruise Lines
  • Crypto Currency – Trading & Exchanges: No ICO, Merchant must be licensed and be the entity that holds the license, Merchant must be licensed within the same country/region as incorporation, AML & KYC Policies and processes, Legal Opinion letter, business plan, cannot be used to load an online gambling account, Age restriction measures
  • Direct Marketing: Travel Related, Continuity Subscription, Other
  • E-Cigarettes – Smoking devices
  • Electronics – Online: Includes computers, laptops, smartphones, etc.
  • Inbound Telemarketing: Must be associated with catalog, media advertising, commercial, etc., non-recurring *Requires Special Registration
  • Loan Originators, Payday & Automobile Title Lenders: Interac Only Accepted
  • Non-Profit Organizations & Charities: AML Policy, must be licensed & registered with government, audited by reputable firm
  • Online Dating Sites: Age restriction measures, no pornographic material or explicit content, 6 months prior processing
  • Online Delivered Software
  • Online Ticket Sales: Funds are settled when event is finalized. Must be organizer of the event or have authorization from organizer to sell tickets for event. Large events must provide at least 1 sponsorship agreement
  • Payment Facilitators, E-Wallets, IPSP's, Marketplaces
  • Tech Support, Computer Repair & Maintenance: Must have minimum 2 years prior processing history, Store Front Location
  • Travel Agencies
  • Unattended Point of Sale
  • Vitamin/Nutraceutical/Herbal Supplements: No free trial or recurring billing
  • Web Hosting Services

Website Content Policies

When applying for e-commerce services with Argense, a potential merchant’s website must be live and fully functional and at a minimum, must contain the following:

  • Contact Information: Business name, address, telephone and email of company
  • Customer Service Information: Telephone Number and Email
  • Billing Descriptor: Statement showing the billing descriptor which will appear on customers statement
  • Shipping/Delivery Policy: Information on shipping/delivery time frames
  • Refund/Return Policy: Information on procedure for refunds/returns
  • Terms and Conditions: Complete terms and conditions
  • Privacy Policy: Privacy statement and how information from customer is collected and used
  • Description of Goods/Services: Complete description of goods/services offered
  • Transaction Currency: List all transaction currencies accepted
  • SSL Secured: Secured payment page
  • URL List: List of all URLs that will be accepting payments
  • Username and Password: Non-expiring username and password for each website (if applicable)
  • In addition, no website or business will be accepted which:
  • Violates any law or government regulation, or promotes or facilitates such by third parties
  • Violates any rule or regulation of Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, UnionPay or any other electronic funds transfer network
  • Causes or threatens reputational damage to Argense or any Card Network
  • Promotes, funding of or membership in any terrorism individuals, businesses & organizations
  • Results in or creates a significant risk of chargebacks, penalties, damages or other harm or liability
  • Engages in illegal activity
  • Practises and/or promotes racism, hate, violence, abuse, discrimination, intolerance or other immoral activity
  • Engages in unfair or deceptive business practices
  • Provides peripheral support of illegal activities
  • Involves any of the business categories listed under Prohibited Activities, Businesses & Merchant Types

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